About Me

Indie Game developer. From Costa Rica, Graduated from Computer Engineering on 2022.

Proactive, multidisciplinary, I love videogames, learned how to make software and decided I want to live from that.

I currently work at Headless Chicken Games S.A, based on Costa Rica where I had the chance to work with multipli international clients. Always glad to met new people and learn new stuff!


Read more about the projects I worked at on the main forum page.

Been creating my own games since 2019, take a look at some of them at


My favorite ones so far are La Cali Night which is a PC VR game about bar fights set in a popular street on Costa Rica and STALINHEART where you are a distopy dictator and have to rule on your country!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life


If you have any question feel free to get in touch at


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